Category: Gamedev2024What happened to Larry on the C64?Mar 282023So why did Larry never appear on the Commodore 64?Nov 102023Back to the drawing board, sorry AINov 72023ChatGPT and generating Assembly codeNov 32023The actual input tokenizer for Larry on C64Nov 22023Musings on text input for Larry 64Nov 12023Larry 64 core - drawing the screenOct 302023Massive hiatus, NAS crash from hellOct 272023Back on the project, EasyFlash still not completely understoodSep 102023Figuring out bank switching on EasyFlashSep 92023Back on the project, EasyFlash still not completely understoodSep 82023Back on the project, EasyFlash still not completely understoodSep 72023EasyFlash lives!Sep 62023Building my own tools in RustSep 52023Cartridges and REUSep 42023Larry 64 game design overviewSep 22023Leisure Suit Larry for C64Aug 30